Archive for the White Trash Archives Category
- Courting disaster like a lover at 5:57 am….. - May 14th, 2004
- Not as late as you think…. - May 14th, 2004
- Feeling good is good enough. - May 13th, 2004
- The damp night drives deeper into my soul. - April 26th, 2004
- Moi?…Uncool and at home. - April 24th, 2004
- Whiskey bottle, - April 19th, 2004
- Is it worth what it cost you? - April 18th, 2004
- 14/04/04 - April 14th, 2004
- Easter bloody long weekend.. - April 13th, 2004
- And I swear that I dont have a gun….. - April 3rd, 2004