Did I save ya life tonite?
You did mine…I am weaker than I look and far to fucking honest.If they dont give you enough credit be cool…it works in your favour…they will never know what hit em.
I should be a little calmer and read “The art of war” again and try and give off a certain kinda zen.I dont care.I care to much.Betrayed.
Acid kisses.
I dream revenge.
I breathe fire.
Some days are better than others and this is not one of those days……
Never gonna have that glaze.
I was asked about that…The blank easy girls…If you have half a brain? No empty nights for you and your thoughts…..
Its a bummer in the Spicoli flavored summer but its true.To be that numb you need the drugs…. the drugs cost money when you are on the drugs the last thing you want to do is work….
[ Song for that last paragraph “Round and Round” By Ratt….]
[“Mom??Ma?…This is a shit line…MA!!! I am in county…Call the Bondsman…”]
I look at them and wonder what its like.The career junkiedom.I was good at it but you gotta belive Me when I tell you that I am walking with Gods here….I know how much everything is by the gram,by the pound….How much do they say the human soul weighs?
Dont matter…they have hocked it by now….
Same people
Same conversation
Same Bat Time
Same Bat Channel
You guys would laugh if you could see me now.I stay so close to the ground that I am almost dirt deep.I am mr Mojo risings 7 foot snake….I hear everything.I dont even mention that I am in a band…no shit…everyone is so hungry here.I am keeping it stealth and waiting on my brothers to get back and drop science live….nothing finer.
There is alot you can do with your life time if you have a net.
Look at me! No fuckin hands! Nothing in my hat? fuckers……
Watch me pull it all out of thin air
I have been putting this off all nite.Well, not in a bad way just in a “Could not get it together” kind of way.The dog is having awsome dreams on her back by the front door and I am pretty much home alone since 3 and Sin crashed and I dunno where the B* is.
My night consisted of lashings of totally broke sweetfuck all.Trod on someones hash pipe before which hurt like fuck and then I had that fucking Weezer song in my head so I am hobbling down Santa Monica going “Woahohohhh” under my breath like an idiot,limped to the market to get the Sprite that my sister is addicted to and …ahem…aquired some new notebooks…praise baggy pants and lazy security.
So,yeah,I have been lying on the floor listening to the people upstairs fuck [ Did I beat off? In a word? No.] and asking myself too many questions.Wondering what my now beardless band are up to.I know that Delux is beyond stress and I dread to think what that landscape looks like.
I think that the weather is pretty shit up there but he seems to be under the effect of some grand delusion that I am poolside being eaten out by pornstars in the the sun with a straw hanging ot my nose…..wrong.I am glued to the net all the time trying to get the word out there.I lie on the sofa while my anorexic sister huffs at her self in the mirror and says “Do I look fat in this?” I drumtech for Bombchild and talk to the dogs…
Found out that some cockhead that I once called a friend is getting Married this week to a woman that he once refered to as “My Stalker” Hope it lasts forver Stu ya sad old stoner fuck.Congratulations. Cunt.
Honesty is the best policy right?
Learnt that in catholic school so its between you and the lord if ya wanna disagree.
There are not enough books round me at the moment which makes me itch.I saw my future tattooist last nite so if I can get the balls to hold up an amoured car on pay day I will be on my way to severe inkage.
Been doin some pretty spanky press of late.Head for Full Frontal Recordings if ya give a fuck. Our thingo in Blunt is comming out on the 30th in Australia so keep an eye out for that. Dumbness befalls me everytime I have to do this shit but I keep on truckin…I have a bet with the B* about someone who never writes me unless I have been all over the media…the odds are pretty surefire.
To all sikfuks who saw me and my mighty rack on webcam? I gotta inform you that it is no more! Thank god! There was a good 6 months that I could not see my feet.The “Broke” diet kicks the shit out of Trimspa any day!
I found Erics copy of Sigour ros when I got all my shit unpacked…I have to keep hiding it from myself.I am going thru a weird stage when it comes to music…If its not Morbid Angel its Icelandic sound scapes.I have lost my fucking peanut brain.