I walk through miles of jungle; I walk through yellow miles of pain.
-Rollins Band.
Whoops wrong country.
Gutten tag.
I slept all day, and I mean all of it. Was woken up by the grandeur that is my 3 brothers jamming across the azure carpeted hall at 5 every afternoon. Dreamt of Tommy Lee complaining about the backline. Whatever the hell that is ment to mean.
We leave for a festival in Frankfurt tomorrow. Joy of all joys we are not camping the night. Our driver sniffed and said “No way” so we concurred without much arm-twisting. No showers and shit and I smell like a long distance trucker after a 45-minute show so…um …you get the picture.
That and the fact that I refuse to wear shoes and roll all over everything I come up looking like a Dickens character, cept my fat ass would have got stuck in a chimney.
I am feeling all saint like, as I have not imbibed any sugar in 3 whole days. Watch the stocks in gummy bears fuckin plummet now! Roscoe got me onto this militant bodybuilding book and it’s made me nuts. I now eat 5 times a day, count calories and do sit ups till I need to shit.
Ross was all like “Oh no…”
He knew that I would take to it. He is back too. We all get our periods at different times and when he told me “You look like you were dropped on your face as a child” I knew that things were back to normal. Cool.
He can give it but he sure as hell can’t take it.
I haven’t sung with them today. They have got a filthy groove on and I decided that it’s wiser to leave them to it.
Thanks to number one sons pavement pounding gigs are now starting to filter back in.
I hear that it is hotting up back home and my envy bends and stretches back towards the coast. Hamburg is pretty much grey all the time but is good broody weather, like I need any bloody help on that front.
Ash has a date tonite [“I think she’s crazy! I like her!”], Ross and Mikey are doing their thing so I guess that I will check my emails wander round listing the Bowie [At Last!] come home and keep fuckin around.
I finally wrote all the lyrics out for the last 3-albums.headfuck central. I had to listen to the 1st album to do it and I sound so little on it! So fuckin cute. Which makes me even more eager to drop the 4th one now.
As I hunt and peck my way through this at the dining room table the lads just launched into my new fave.”Relationshit” Long story, I’ll get around to it one day.
Tea without sugar makes me think that I am doing penance for something that I cant quite remember but may or may not have involved a wood chipper and a dead hooker. I’ll take the 5th.
My mind has defiantly stripped another gear. I got 3rd and reverse on the highway to hell baby and I aint commin back. Hell, 3 Vikings chased me around at summer breeze yelling ‘”Captain Jack Sparrow!”
Good God.