Making enemies is good.

-The Backyard Babies.

It is complete now,two ends of time are neatly tied.
-Andy Preiboy.

Still waiting for my ship to come in.
-The Divynals

“Bye Bye”.
She waves like a spastic child,From the wrist and from the heart.

I am sleeping alot and at all the wrong hours.Takes me a while to get there due to panic and stress but once away I am home and hosed.
I dont have to do anything there.
In fact I think that a Coma my be the ultimate in the art of avoidance.

My life is fatal.To relate it to a movie it is the final scene of Fight Club.


Fuck logic.

Have I packed?
Do I care?
Does any of this seem real?

In a way I guess that it is serving me not to get completely wound up about it all.Throw shit in bag,get on plane,rock….and so on.

I will never get to the poison root of what is wrong with me.

My tattoos are fucking huge though.I cant seem to get enough pain out of it though, so thank fuck for sharp stuff,although thats not really making the grade either.Bummed.

But more to the point,I am not making the grade at all so its all hand in hand.

No one is really bugging me at this point which I am most grateful for..It just keeps on rolling and I tend to believe that I am some what of an inconvenient friend for most.Only made to be wheeled out when I am at the top of my game.

This place will roll with out me and I will roll on.

People are treating me different anyway and its weird.Nah,I dont know what it is but I get approached by people that i would in NO way expect to be into what we are doing and it keeps my lazy mind from narrowing any further at this point.

That is a good thing.

I have never had to leave anyone behind like this before and I dont know if I am emotionally stable or mature enough to do so.I keep saying that I would not wait for me and I wouldnt.

I really am not a fan of myself.More so at this point than any other.

I bug Ross heaps but there are no updates.We are gonna be jamming on weekends and I guess that Ash has decided what will be on the next album without consulting me yet again.I always get out voted.Mikey is up with his dad at the moment and I am seeing St Tina and Jr on her birthday which will be well cool.

Still cant speak german……..
