Riddle me this….
Why is it that I always get stuck next to the mewling nutjobs at net cafes? And ones that wear scent that reaking like rancid cats piss? Just plain lucky I guess
All is well on planet rock.I am going mad trying to throw everything out.I have got sooooo much shit. I am totally going for the “Zen in the Hollywood hills” angle and so far failing with great aplomb.Natch.
The B* emailing me with tales of dancing down the Sunset strip. Summer love and hair metal….I cant wait to get out again.
I love it how people call you crazy when you run rings around their broken asses.Lord! I got some bitter motherfuckers comming out of the woodword.How did I get this far? I did not cash in my chips the second somthing got in my way,thats how.I read somewhere once that if you dont live your life that someone else will.
Fuck that.
I am out for all I can get and anyone who tells you any different in my eyes is totally full of shit.
I gotta tell you.I am exhausted .I clock about 5 hours sleep a day if I am lucky and I see shit moving out of the corner of My eye all the time.Blackie got home today but I have not seen him yet as I am sure that he is jetlagged to the rim and catching up with his wifey poo. I cant wait to get all the dirt before they move out.I know that I am gonna be up all nite as always and the call for the filmclip is 8;30 in the morning which I think is an utter abortion.I mean,if I am lucky that is when I usually pass out….sigh….Its all for rock so I will get up.I just feel sorry for anyone within a ten mile radius who is gonna have to bear the brunt of me.
I am still running on the credo of “You see the damndest things when you dont have your gun”. Am I an asshole magnet? I cant quite belive that its only Me ,you know? OH LA! Got another letter from the asshole of the year parent telling me not to write her offspring anymore.YOU START BEING A REAL MOTHER AND I WILL STOP PICKING UP THE PEICES YOU STUPID INGRATE BITCH.
You stop your kid writing Me and I will stop writing back.It is only due to the sikfuk involved that I dont put your name up here so that all and sundry can go postal on your ass.I considered putting your email up here as well but I figure that I should not give a stupid cunt like you the Kudos .You should donate your kid to me and stick with raising somthing easier…like say a houseplant.
One more email and I am gonna wail on you.You have been warned.
I just had to plug back into my discman as the nut next to Me keeps talking to her computer.Being in public with these drones takes every bit of will power that I possess.
The older I get the more honed my hatred becomes. Hell! I am good at this! Why would I stop?I am never gonna mellow out or give in.Why the hell should I?.Sellouts and fuckwits are pretty thick on the ground and I see no reason why I should join their jaded ass kissing ranks.I say have fun with your bitterness.Get mad and stay there,Train your anger.All this “Tree hugging love your brother” crap can eat me.Is the world becomming a better place? Exactly.
Let go of it?
Forgive You?
Dont make Me fucking laugh.
I have a severe lack of understanding when it comes to the daily duty that most seem to take apon themselves to suffer fools and deal with idiots.Picture this….you are bullshiting to someone who makes your stomach lurch with discust,telling them what they want to hear even though in your hearts you are both fully aware that it is a total crock.Your smile is so fake that it makes your jaw twich…you make all the polite socity sanctioned noises and take your leave feeling like shit because you lied.
And you walk right in front of a bus.
You spent your last moments talking to an idiot.
Nice one tiger.
Well fucking done.
Yes, I am millitent and yes, I am an asshole but unlike 99% of socity at large I can tell My ass from a hole in the ground.
I would rather be hated than lied to my whole life.
And I will take being feared over being loved anytime.
On that note I am gonna go and beat 7 shades of shit out of anyone who gets in my way.
Take it where you can get it.