some crapola net cafe……

Fuck you you fuckin’ Fuck!
-Age old saying that I seem to be flinging round a little too much at the moment……

I am all rocked out I had a rather massive weekend but I dont wanna incriminate myself and I am too tired to write….

The ones that you love are the last ones you will see. They will be the ones to kill you. Draw your own conclusions.

Had to laugh at Incubus show watcing the pit… Not at the band…I love those guys! But at some of the clueless fuckfaces who turned up to see them play…So good to catch up with the Boys again. The crowd so wrapped up in the vibe….dont make me sick!!!. Half of those meat heads went back to school yesterday to kick the shit out of the kid who is gonna grow up to be the next Brandon Boyd.

All of them in their General pants Identikit outfits….So very…!!!!…So original.!!!I love this “Metrosexual” angle…Thugs dressing like the faggots that they beat the snot out of….Let us all go now and file that under “Irony.”

I am way Tired and doing alot of road work so the mood is not at any kind of premium as I pay to write.

The computer at Chez rock fially spat it so here I am surrounded by the scum of the earth pretending that they are not “Really..” looking at kiddy porn. Its the training that does it…the more I run and the more weight I press? The meaner I get.

I gotta throw out a few thanx to all who rocked with me….The B*.Greg, Cheers for the tix. All the boys from Seven dust [ Clint? if we got a divorce would we still be brother and sister…?] Lj, Morgan…Jose? You drum on man! Dana, Nicole [ happy birthday] ,Ted [“Thats the thing that I love about these high school girls man…..”] Larry, as always sooo fucking good to see you….hope you coped with NZ…Sean…Tech supreme…and that is comming from your Soda pop Curtis.

Thanx to the ladeezz at FbI who let me play Blooduster last friday.Always a pleasure….

This is not gonna make a whole heap of sense.

Whats new right?

My Sunday? Dont make me laugh…
I am out cause this mood is just wrong…I am gonna go smash up a phone box or somthing.
The new shit sounds great. I wish I felt it…..
